Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jagalah tepi kain sendiri....

Minggu lepas, ada seorang ibu datang ke rumahku menangisi dirinya yang ditabur fitnah oleh adik-beradiknya sendiri! Aku turut merasa kecewa dah sedih dengan hal ini. Fitnah yang dihamburkan itu bukan sebarangan, dikatakan bahawa ibu ini punya illigitimate children! Sedangkan tiada apa yang dapat membuktikan kata-kata mereka. Kenapalah perlu terjadi begitu?

Teringat aku akan satu email yang kuterima dari seorang teman karib. Very interesting. Dia hantar dalam bentuk power point. It's about a newly wed couple who just moved to their new home. They simply fell in love with the place the minute they saw it. They had their breakfast table by their kitchen window. They can easily look out at their neighbour's houses and one caught the wife's eye...

Every morning during breakfast with the husband, she will give negative comments about the neighbour's rows of wet clothes hanging outside in the sun. She will say that the neighbour does not know how to do her laundry properly, there's still stains on the baby's napkins, the whites aren't really clean enough and so on. But, her humble and loving husband just sit and listen while reading his newspaper!

Days passes by and the negative comments get even worst. She even tried to visit the neighbours to teach them how to do their laundry the proper way. Then one day, while sitting at the breakfast table together, something amazed her! The neighbour's laundry looks bright and clean and she told her husband and gave good and positive comments about it. She was so happy and excited!

Then the husband put down his papers and said," I just had our windows clean last night, dear! The glass was so dirty that it blurs your view . Now that you can see clearly."

Well, the moral of the story is never look down at others and do not give negative comments about their looks, their life, ability, fashion and so on but look into yourself first. What you think about others is actually your own assumption, to our own feelings , needs, ideas and using you own yardstick but not theirs! Just look after your own family and live within your needs and wants. Do not bother about others because you have lots in hand to do.

So, in other words, Mind Your Own Business! Jagalah tepi kain sendiri. Manalah tahu ada kotoran atau terkoyak sebelum kita tengok orang lain punya. Janganlah memandang tinggi pada diri kamu sendiri. Ingatlah bahawa, jika si penfitnah itu seorang lelaki, maka dia tidak boleh menjadi saksi pernikahan...hinanya! Ingatlah akan seksaan di akhirat nanti...kalau tak tahu, pergilah cari ilmu itu dahulu di kelas-kelas pengajian agama. Perbanyakkanlah bertaubat dan beringat!