Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Mother is supreme


Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said that we should put our mother first in first and then only the father. That is what happens in reality. 

A mother will not let go of our hands when we are young. May it be in walking, crossing the road, and in whatever situation, she will always lead the children, hand in hand! She will never let go.

When I was in college, I learned the phrase, Mother is Supreme. I did not actually understand them until I became a mother! So much truth. Oh, dear.....

To a mother, her children never grow up. That is why mother barely listens to their children's points of view but take and believe in others even though it is the same point of view. In her eyes, her children are too young even though her children are married and have children of their own. No worries, that is normal. It's global......throughout the world.!! Of course, some mothers do listen to their children but they only pick the ones that they want to hear... heh heh heh.

But remember this....when you are down and in trouble, the first person you need most is your mother. Mothers will sit and listen to your problems. She hugs you, listens to you, and touches you in silence. She will let you talk and her silence gives you that certain kind of calmness. 

Mothers will work hard to help you in almost everything. She will do her level best to make sure her children survive and doing well in life. She will protect and even fight for her children. She will even ready to humiliate herself for the sake of her children. She never cares about herself because her children come first! She will not let go because she is a MOTHER!!!.

You are lucky if your mother is still around. Do not hurt her, love her with all of your heart.  Take care of her and give her happiness and comfort. She will be happy if her children are but she will be the saddest person if you are sad. but remember that, you can never repay her for all that she has done for you!!! NEVER!!!!

Mothers only want to see you and watch you grow. She just wants your time..... is it so hard to pick up the phone and call her as much as you can! Get a smartphone so she can see you in the screen. Believe it or not, she misses her children every single second of the day. 

So, go and visit your mother, hug her because once she is gone, there is no other love that can replace her. 

I am a mother and I miss my children......A mother's job is never done until the day she closes her eyes, just remember this.....

Just a simple thought!!

Looking at the youngsters enjoying themselves with friends and families reminds me of my salad days. Well, those were the days when I was young, very much green in judgment, energetic, and full of dreams and wants but not needs!  Needs came much later! Well, most of what I wanted so much was fulfilled. Alhamdulillah.

But life is like a wheel. It will roll around. Sometimes you are up high and looking downwards and sometimes you are down and looking upwards.  Just enjoy the view as the wheel turns.  It doesn't matter where you are, just take one step at a time. Then you will be OK. 

For as long as we live, we have to complete the tusks and go through many tests from Allah. May it be minor tests or major tests. Allah wants us to hang on to Him, talk to Him, and cry to Him... Only Him! Allah listens and He knows what is best for us even though we thought it was not! That is what we are here for.... to be tested! So, just go along, do what you have to do, avoid making stupid mistakes,  make more friends and most of all keep your family together in whatever circumstances... you must stick together.  Hold tight and do not let go. Be responsible towards one another!

I am still looking outside my window and smiling to myself remembering my salad days! 

Thank you Allah for everything!

Allah is the Best Planner!

What I see

I am waiting for my love in the hotel lobby. Such a big and spacious lobby it is.  

I saw many people walking up and down carrying pieces of stuff. Well, the young ones with their toy, mums with handbags and small items of luggage, and many more. Almost all of them dressed nicely and well pressed... of course, such a prestige resort.... only those with lots of money or under the expenses of their company can afford to stay here.  But why not! Spend some for you and your loved ones once in a blue moon. You deserve the break! One night is enough and if you are thinking of staying longer, check out and go get affordable hotels,. There are many boutique hotels nearby.... half the price!!! Hahahah. This is what I call ... be realistic!

It seems that my love is still stuck in the hall listening to talks.... I hope he stays awake or else he will be humiliating himself! But that man is an original. He does things his own way. That is what makes him great! Love of my eyes.

At last, he is here! Yeay!

Walked along an old collogue. They were together in 1992. Believe it or not, they were the people who opened up this place....Bertam! It used to be a rubber plantation! He did well. It makes me proud to have such a great man in my life. Alhamdulillah.

Off he goes again to listen to talks in the hall! Hope he survives! Hahahhaha. 

And......I am still waiting in the lobby! Looking at people and people looking at me!!!! Do I look good....yeah baby!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

As you age....

When the time comes, then only we realize what it meant by growing old.  We cannot imagine it when we were young.  But in time you will discover the truth. 

There is nothing wrong to grow old. We should not look what we had left behind but always looking forward what to come. Forget about our stupidity and never repeat our mistakes. Just move on. The past is over and we cannot amend it anymore but we can create a better us in future!

Life is full of surprises! There are  happy days and sad days but  all we need to do is to capture the moments because  it will last 

in our memory box for a very long time. That is why the elders only remember  the old stories when they were much younger because of the captured moments.

When you age but still strong,  try as much as you can to visit your old friends.  Old friends only talk about days of the childhood, about the past, teasing one another of  the naive days and, mistakes and foolishness! Those stories  are the beautiful moments you shared together and that creates long lasting laughter that keeps you healthy and feeling young again! So in other words, you live longer when you meet up with old friends.... just do it!!!!