Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mesyuarat Tingkap

Tersergam berdiri Masjid Kristal

Keindahan dan keheningan Tasik Kenyir
Berkawan ramai memang sesuatu yang amat menyeronokkan especially kalau wave pemikiran kita serupa. Begitulah hakikat diriku dan sahabat-sahabatku yang juga bergelar jiran. Keakraban kami memang sudah jadi bualan ramai. We care about one another like nobody's business. Usually we only have Mum's Day Out at least once a month or have tea together any evenings when we feel like meeting . The sitting and chatting with one another sometimes ended with a proposal. ..jadi ke tidak, is not the question!

The last time we met at a birthday bash for April girls, we ended making plans to take our children or grandchildren to an educational trip to the state of Terengganu. Turtle laying eggs at Kertih, the man made lake Tasik Kenyir in Ulu Terengganu dan Taman Tamaddun Seni Islam in Kuala Terengganu are three most important and a must see places to visit. We had a mesyuarat tingkap this morning over breakfast and made plans regarding the matter. We planned to go on a 4 days and 3 nights trip and made call for accomodation. Within 2 hours, everything is set and now to announce to the others! Hope they like it!!

Begitulah hebatnya mesyuarat tingkap. Tak perlu ramai sangat. Seorang bertindak sebagai Ketua dan seorang lagi Setiausaha. Pasti beres!!

Air terjun Lassir, Tasik Kenyir

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