Friday, April 26, 2019'll be surprised!

           I have so many memories of my childhood.! Life was full of fun and adventures. The jungle was never a scary place. The river taught us the skills of swimming. Nature taught me so much of Allah's creations. I don't know how to explain it but I can only say how lucky I was to be raised in that environment!

        Nature and surroundings allowed me to bring out the talent that I have. The melodies of the jungle are music to my ears. the singing of the birds, the blowing of the wind, the thundering sound of the waterfalls and rivers, the buzzing sound of the bees and the insects of different species and sizes. The difference in behaviour, physical and colours never failed to excite me. I started sketching. The outcome was not as expected but it gave me satisfaction. That was how I killed my time.

        When I was 16, I was in the Art Class. Well, Commerce and Science are not friendly to me! I have a group of close friends who shared the same passion. They were Azahari, Razali, Ibrahim and Azah. We were given a task to draw a mural on the wall of the main block of the school. There was no OHP to perfect the sketching on the wall. What we have was only our common sense and talent. To us, perfection will come with passion and patience. After all, there is nothing perfect in the Arts! Hahahahhahha. Yes, we managed to finish the mural within a few months and it was a masterpiece! But, unfortunately, I have no photo of it. But, the memories will always be there in my mind and in my heart.

        I was an educator and I taught the second language!  But the schools in the cities are always overflowed with English teachers! I ended teaching other subjects including Art and Craft.....I love it! I was lucky to have very understanding principals who then gave me a room purely for my Art and Crafts classes. What more should I ask for? 

     If you can sketch, draw and colour or thinking of doing it,  try to make time for it. Just give it a try. This is a  good hobby besides reading. It is hard for you to stop once started.  It is far easier to learn now. Just switch on Youtube and there are many videos of people sharing their knowledge of arts. Some used Watercolour, Acrylic Paint, Oil Paint, Pencil Color, Crayons or some will use Mixed Media. Just pick one and then just brush up your talent...... as easy as that. Trust me, you will be surprised!

One of the best time to spend with the young ones is arts. Children love colours.

A school project. With a little help, Ammar produced the best.

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